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Molse kipkap met mosterd (Mol minced meat with mustard)

In Mol the kipkap is very fine, delicately spiced and slightly tangy. The composition is different from other regional kipkap such as Brussels kipkap, through the use of types of meat other than pig's head meat. This makes the kipkap drier.
foto: molse kipkap vanhoof
  • foto: molse kipkap vanhoof.png
  • foto: molse kipkap vanhoof

Newspaper cuttings from the end of the nineteenth century show that 'kipkap' was a highly desirable product and much enjoyed at fairs and parties through the years. Keurslagerij Van Hoof keeps to the recipe invented by great-grandfather van Hoof, using only pork and a pinch of mustard for a slightly spicier kipkap.

Contact details

Keurslagerij Van Hoof high-quality butcher's
Ginderbuiten 193
014 31 24 26


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